The full VDX solution across all screens and channels, including OTT, together with the creative features applied to the campaign, enabled BMW to connect with users who may not have been impacted by the social advertising campaign alone, thus delivering a stronger omnichannel campaign.
For promotion around the launch of new model, the 2 Gran Coupe F44, BMW was seeking innovative ways to complement existing social media ad campaigns, reach a new unique audience, and raise awareness for the new model.
To drum up consumer interest, Vizeum Media, BMW’s media agency, partnered with to activate a full video experience across digital platforms – desktop, mobile, and instream. The omnichannel approach also included over-the-top (OTT), which enabled reach to more users within a household.
The video campaign was driven in part by the understanding that media consumption is increasingly fragmented across various channels, and that the vehicle purchasing process is often a household decision. Running a full VDX (video-driven experiences) blend with OTT allowed the campaign to reach all screens and influence the entire household.
After establishing campaign objectives, a creative team of experts leveraged existing BMW video assets to showcase within the video units. The interactive video units, which included a tab with a carousel, allowed users to fully experience the new model USPs.
Moreover, to drive users down the funnel, a “Learn More” call-to-action was prominently placed, bringing relevant users to the BMW website. The video experience was scaled across 18 creative units, deployed across instream, in-page, in-read across desktop, mobile and OTT.
VDX advanced creative units enabled BMW to showcase all model USPs and ensured high brand engagement with a personalized canvas and strong CTAs.
Lastly, to efficiently reach automobile intenders, a custom audience blend was created using’s proprietary data.